Don't click on the items in your inventory, just click on the spot you want to use them and they'll automatically go there. Don't give up, it's a fun game!
This was a fantastic game! The super simplicity of it made it so much more and it was really fun to play! Loved the art style of it, good luck for future projects and keep up the great work
Lmao I couldn't understand what the guy was talking about but I don't need to understand what he's saying when I could hear the annoyance, frustration, and maybe a few curse words~! Lol, if this was really based on true life events I feel really sorry to the actual guy who went through this problem but if it didn't happen then we wouldn't have a gem of this game ahahah. Cute game with unorthodox puzzles and solutions, a great game to just unwide~!
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frustratingly fun
its givin Mr.Bean's vibe lol, love it
Yea, totally!
haha pretty fun!
I added the drill winecork screwdriver and tape to my "inventory" but I can't click on them afterward.
Don't click on the items in your inventory, just click on the spot you want to use them and they'll automatically go there. Don't give up, it's a fun game!
Nailed it :)
Well made and funny game. Took a while to get the drill going but got there in the end. :)
nice game but i cant hang the painting and mirror...
try ramming the drill a few times onto the spot
你是来搞笑的吧! (It means this's really fun! 😂😂😂
This was a neat little experience. While I do not speak your language, the vibes were clear. :3
True events indeed, afterall, drinking wine always helps ;)
Love the art style . Nice little point and click game, congratulation !
This art style is so cool
"based on true events" What a truly wholesome game😭
This was a fantastic game! The super simplicity of it made it so much more and it was really fun to play! Loved the art style of it, good luck for future projects and keep up the great work
Aqui temos uma amostra das dificuldades que a vida adulta pode nos trazer, mas deixemos isso de lado, e contemplemos a arte do armengue.
best game
Amazing, what's possible in 48h. Great art. Well done.
Super gameska :)
Delightful, short and sweet.
But "based on true events"?! Bruh 😭
Hey, Fun game, really one of the good ones.
how my dad fixes the house
Thank you for this amazing game!
You can check my full game playthrough here:
Hehehehe. escape the room styled point-and-click parody
Excellent ! I thought I was hallucinting when I heard him talking in Czech at first lmfaooo, it made me feel nostalgic abt my country :')
lmao waht?
super hra, hodně pobavila :))))
cool game
simple and cute puzzle game, the struggle is real lol
Lmao I couldn't understand what the guy was talking about but I don't need to understand what he's saying when I could hear the annoyance, frustration, and maybe a few curse words~! Lol, if this was really based on true life events I feel really sorry to the actual guy who went through this problem but if it didn't happen then we wouldn't have a gem of this game ahahah. Cute game with unorthodox puzzles and solutions, a great game to just unwide~!
ayy that's nice
Charming and short puzzle game
This is such an adorable game, I love it! I cannot understand any of the spoken words, but that just makes the game more fun in my opinion c:
neat lil game, visuals and art were great.
i love it :)
so cute!! i love it
I find the artstyle very charming and Love the concept of going around a house trying to fix things and nothing quite going to plan.
I wish the game was a little longer with more to do and explore
hi is there a way to claim the game? i can't download it at the moment
love it!!! very cute and simple, even tho i didn't understand the language, i already know what they're saying.
All fixed
I think